5th "What Can We Learn From Africa" Workshop

The 5th in a series of workshops called "What Can We Learn from Africa,?" which deal primarily with the pathological diagnosis of hematological malignancies in equatorial Africa, will take place on 12th to 14th November at the Hotel Méridien in Dakar, Senegal. The meeting will be organized by Martine Raphael, President of AMCC (INCTR's French branch) and a member of INCTR's Pathology Program in collaboration with SAFHEMA, the Societé Africaine Francophone de l'Haemotologie. The main topic of the meeting will be plasmacytic differentiation and lymphomas. For more information (in French), please go to: www.safhemadakar2015.org, or click on Safhema.

Prof Harold Stein, former Director of Pathology at the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, who is a well known pathologist and one of the group of pathologists who keep the World Health Organization's classification of Haemopoietic and Lymphoid Tumours up to date, is this year's awardee of the Gregory T. O'Conor Prize for distinguished services to pathology.

A draft program can be downloaded by clicking on "files" in the menu at the bottom of the page, then clicking on the file called: Safhema-INCTR-AMCC(4).doc.docx

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