Meeting with INCTR India

While in India, as well as attending the Hyderabad Conference on palliative care, several days were spent by Dr Magrath and Melissa Adde, from INCTR's headquarters in Belgium, with the President (Dr Shivraj Singh), Trustees and some of the Advisory Board members of INCTR India. During the visit a press conference was held to provide information about the recently established branch as well as the ever-increasing cancer problem in India and the role the branch would play to lessen its impact. An important meeting was held with Dr Agarwal, President of the prestigious Indian Medical Association and Advisory Board member. INCTR India is planning to form a public-private partnership with the government of Rajasthan (Where INCTR India's offices are located). Unfortunately, this has been delayed because of a severe outbreak of swine flue in Rajasthan, which is now abating.

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